Title: We Are Stronger Together
cerulean_skyRating (both art/fic): Art: PG, Fic: NC-17
Genre/Pairing: AU, Kirk/McCoy/Uhura
Word Count: Part 1/3: 2400, parts 2 & 3 similar
Warnings: Threesomes? Does that really need a warning?
Art Thumbnail:
Fic Summary: Starfleet's best covert operative, James T. Kirk, is so close to finding the man who killed his father. But Leonard McCoy, an operative for the North American government, and Uhura, a mercenary even Kirk fears, are on Nero's trail as well.
Link to Art:
Here!Link to Fic:
Here! Author's Note: Author apologizes for not getting fic typed up in time. It will make word count, and the rest of it will be up in the next day or two.