My subconcious thinks I'm a lesbian...

Jun 03, 2010 18:26

I'm done with school for the quarter!  YAY!!  And I was feeling so good about that, I drove all the way home!  WHOOO!

"The Girls" (Mom, Auntie, and their 3 cousins) were up late cackling last night so I didn't sleep well.  I had a really weird dream this morning before my alarm clock went off.  I was being a teacher's assistant like I was last summer and there was a craft fair outside the classroom.  I went out to look.  There was a table of frog Christmas ornaments and I thought I might get one for Audiemay (there was also a green Dalek and I was all, "Well, this doesn't belong here.").  Then there was a booth that had Star Trek stuff.  Turns out Leonard Nimoy had JUST been there and I missed him AGAIN!  Two guys dressed as Captain Picard and Data were there too.

Then I saw a sign for a Save Ianto Jones panel.  "Oh, I'll go to that!" I thought to my dream-self.  So I went and the lady organizing it (a really hardcore lesbian, but that doesn't matter) gave me a form to fill out: "Name, address, opinion of President Obama, stance on the Vietnam War... etc."  I asked why all the stupid questions and she said they were trying to figure out what kind of demographics they had so they could better appeal to the BBC.  I said I'd fill in my name and address and that was it.

The lonepinkwarrior was there and Organizer Lesbian Lady asked if he was my boyfriend and I said no and she was like, "Oh, so you're a lesbian."  I was shocked!  I told her no.  I may joke around flirting with my female friends, but I am not a lesbian.  She kept insisting and insisting that I was.  (Did I mention that she was free-boobing and wearing a T-shirt that said "Free-Boobing for Ianto"?)  Finally I just walked away and went to sit at the table with Lonepinkwarrior.  He had some guy friends there and one said, "Oh, you must be the lesbian."  I grabbed him by the neck... then I woke up.

Yeah.  I'm not a lesbian, I swear.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm not.

lonepinkwarrior, mom, obama, gareth david-lloyd, bbc, college, star trek

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