Fangirl Tension

May 08, 2010 10:42

So, I've got a cold.  I don't feel too bad and I hope it doesn't get much worse.  Just sniffles as of right now.

Okay.  So.  Lost AND Ashes to Ashes are both rapidly approaching their respective series finales.  I'm about to explode with fangirl tension!  Just tell me the damn ending already!   Who/what is Gene Hunt besides a bad-ass mofo?  What is the Island?  Who is dead cop?  Who is going to take Jacob's place?  Where is my Sammy?  Why must you kill off my favorite characters?! *glares at Lost writers*  RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!

And then it's Doctor Who day too.  More tension!  RAH!

*sneezes*  Oh, sorry.

Probably not going to visit Grandpa today.  Don't want to get him sick.  I'll probably finish up "Chicks Dig Time Lords" and maybe read the really boring book I have to write a summary of for yoga (the interesting sounding book had holds on it *le sad*).  Who knew there'd be written work for that?

Mother's Day tomorrow.  I made Mom a mix CD.  Who ever thought she'd like Katy Perry's "Hot N Cold" so much she'd ask me to make it a ring tone on her phone?  :)

mom, books, sick, lost, ashes to ashes, doctor who, grandpa

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