I think part of my brain came out...

Oct 05, 2010 16:26

ВНИМАНИЕ русские! Почему я так интересно для вас? Вы продолжаете оставлять комментарии на моем журналов, которые не имеют ничего общего с содержанием. Просто скажите мне, почему?

ATTENTION RUSSIANS!  Why am I so interesting to you?  You keep posting comments on my journals that have nothing to do with the content.  Just tell me why?

I have so much snot in my head, it's ridiculous!  I feel better than I did yesterday, but my ears are all stuffy and it's difficult to hear.  Especially when the resident dim bulb of multimedia class won't stop chattering in my ear while I'm trying to listen to the teacher.

Simon Pegg's Burke and Hare?  Yes, I think so!  (Even if it is Tennant-less.  Damn you, Rex is Not Your Lawyer!)

My tablet pen isn't working.  That makes me sad.  It's like it's stuck in ON.  It's make sense if it was the pen part, but it's the eraser too.  I dunno.  I'm trying something I saw in a help forum.  Hopefully I don't have to shell out $30 for a new pen.

Did my second speech for public speaking today.  Talked about calligraphy.  Meh.  Did okay.  No big deal.

multimedia, sick, college, movies, simon pegg, david tennant, calligraphy

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