So apparently I can't get my deductible back from that
accident back in November. After being jerked around and having my claim basically sat on in Progressive's Subrogation Dept. I've been pestering them every week to keep up on it and give me information.
A few week's ago my agent called me and said that the other insurance company said they still needed the police report, and some other things that my insurer already gave them. About a week after that they followed up and my insurer said that yes they would send me a check, then like an hour later called again and said that the other insurance company was looking at the wrong claim and basically said they "still had to investigate it".
Jump ahead to this Friday where I get a voice-mail from my insurance guy saying that because of Michigan's WONDERFUL (my sarcastic emphasis) NO-FAULT law, the other insured party (the jerk that caused the accident) does not give permission to pay the deductible reimbursement because he claims he isn't at fault EVEN THOUGH THE POLICE BASICALLY SAID IT WAS. And they are dening liability. So my insurance guy said that they can't pursue this because they'd have to follow Illinois law. I feel like I am getting a run around.
I do not know what to do at this point. Apparent Michigan has something called a
mini-tort where I could recover up to $500 (that's all I want back anyway), but it is supposed to be done by my insurance agency on my behalf. I'm going to try it but who knows if they will even do that at this point.
I'm out of idea at this point.