- Went to Ikea and got two
Detolf glass display cabinets. God those were a bitch to carry those filled boxes up the stairs to the apartment. Thanks Leyann for helping me with that. These will make great display areas for not only my toy collections, but also props as well.
- My little brother came out to hang with me on Saturday. We caught up on the SPD episodes he missed, played games, watched some tv. And boy, with him off his medication he can sure EAT. Takes after me I guess.
- Seriously contemplating getting a cel phone. Hell just froze over. It might be cheaper in the long run than having a land line, I also won't have to worry about annoying sister picking up the phone... but it wont really matter since I hardly talk on the phone anyway. Curious though, who has what kind of plan? What company? pros? cons?
- I love high speed internet. (i.e. I need a bigger/external hard drive for downloaded shows like justice league, power rangers, etc....)
- My van needs some serious work. Probably brakes replaced, new motor for my back windshield wiper, oil change...
- Corpse Bride is an EXCELLENT fun movie. Chalk another one up to Tim Burton.