"You're a great one for logic. I'm a great one for rushing in, where angels fear to tread."

Mar 29, 2005 19:22

I spent the entire weekend watching Star Trek with my dad. You guys have no idea how awesome it was. We watched all of the DVDs and all of the bonus features on each of them. I loved it.
Yesterday, Dad dropped me off at Mom's house on the way to work so that Katy could pick me up and we could go over to Amy's. So, we get to Amy's around 10:20 or so, and Ben is already there. Amy, Ben, and Karly (Amy's sister) hop into Katy's car before she and I even have a chance to get to Amy's front door.
We head to Kohl's, and en route, Elijah calls from Germany. We pass Katy's phone around for a good hour while walking about the store. The girls go off shopping while Ben and I browse the men's section. I needed a new dress belt for my dress slacks, so I use my Kohl's card and Ben helps me find my size with a gold buckle. Then, I call my cousin to wish him a happy birthday (he turned 7 last week) and the girls dress Ben and me up in sports coats and blazers.
From there, to Red Brick Pizza. We split a pizza while Ben and I decide over Indiana Jones or Star Trek on the little TV they have in the booth. We wound up flipping back and forth. After that, La Paletera (sp) for ice cream and we saw a very yellow car.
The girls then go into Payless Shoes and Ben and I head to Party Pig. The girls came and found us later, and then they all started torturing me with giant rubber tarantulas. Next is Target, where Ben buys SNL: Best of Chris Farley.
After that, to Amy's where we watch the entire DVD for a couple of hours. On the way to Amy's, Katy cranked her radio and we rolled down all the windows and made a singing and musically blasting raucous. Katy drove me home, and it was a wonderful day.
All day today, since yesterday, I've had this grin sewn to my face. I'm in such a good mood and absolutely nothing brought me down.
Life is fan-freaking-tastic. The best parts were when I squirted Ben with a water gun in Party Pig and when Amy was head-banging to "Headstrong." =D
-Josh G.
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