Oct 18, 2007 22:21
I am more or less settled in my new apartment and have begun to make friends in the apartment complex. Getting furnishings for the apartment ended up costing a lot more than I had expected (I got a new couch, entertainment stand, TV, headboard, desk chair, and a few other things). The place looks pretty good, but right now I have to figure out how I'm going to stretch this month's money all the way for the next 2 weeks.
My health has continued to be a problem and that is very frustrating. I've had to increase my prednisone and a leukemia medication and I just feel so sick all the time. :(
My niece undergoes her surgery tomorrow so that's weighing on my mind too.
Oh well, this is getting to be a depressing post, so I think I'll just stop and say I hope her surgery goes well and that my health turns around.