Sep 26, 2005 00:26
I had a great weekend I went to work All day on Saturday from 9:15-5:30 I was tired cause I was in Home Fashions and I swear I could have brought a heavy Metal band down there for a concert and it wouldnot have bothered anyone accept me. I dont like that music but it is loud so that is why I used it here.
I then hightailed it to La Jolla and I mean High tailed it cause I went at least 100 the whole way I made it from El Cajon Parkway Plaza at 5:30 and I was in La Jolla by 5:50 I went fast granted all of those bumps on the 52 almost killed poor Tanya/Tina. (havent decided on a permanent name yet) damned street lights slowed me down damn things or I really would have been at the restaurant early then it was time for Kari's B-Day dinner I was the only guy cause Preston didnt show up but it was still fun the girls and I all had a few good laughs. Then when we went to leave and the girls took my suggestion from earlier in the evening and we went and Hung out down at the beach for a little while. Then we all went back to the cars I said good night to all of the girls cause I had to get to the theater to see the midnight showing of The Nightmare Before Christmas.
So I get to the theater around Ten and I walk around the nice little shopping center and I have some cold Stone cause I am alone and I eat when I am alone it is a curse but I eat when I am with people so I guess I just eat all the time. Hahahahahaha. Hey that was funny I dont care if you didnt laugh.I also got to see the Temple pretty upclose it is a nice building I guess a little to much for the area it was in. But a nice building none the less.So then Mark gets there around 10:30 I guess it would have been and we walk around together it was nice to just talk to him. Granted he had a slight buzz so I mostly talked. Hahaha But then The rest of the group got there yeah I got to see Andi and Daniel,Hilliary and Justin again but then I see there is one more with them I am like who the hell is that then I remember a convo from the night before with Grayson said that Hilliary had a new guy friend so I was like cool this must Be him. His name is Sabastian and he is one of the most boring and Dull people I think I have ever meet. I know he didnt know who we were but how can he learn who we are while just watching us and not participating in our conversations. Oh well I guess my mom is right I am to Judgemental on people so I will be nice when I meet him again. I just hope I wasnt to dull last night I have been having trouble lately saying nothin but stupid things so I tried to not say anything unless first asked. I dont know how it came off I hope I wasnt annoying anyone. And then I finally get to see the end of the Movie I have never seen it all the way through. It was OK I liked it granted I wished that Jacks Christmas had gone better even though I knew it couldnt have it wasnt his Holiday.
Then I went home the long way I didnt want to risk the bumps on the underside of my car again. And I had time to spare since I didnt have to be home until 2:30-3am I like driving at night less people to be in the way.
I got to sleep until 11 am it was so nice I loved it. Then I went to work and I came home and thought and thought about my speech for class and finally decided I am going to get an A i just know it. So then I did some research and now I wrote this unbearably long journal entry.
Hope you all have a good Monday.