comes and goes

Sep 15, 2009 22:46

things has always been easy for me. everything i have ever done. i have never really worked for anything in my life. i always find a loop hole in everything. where im at right now. it seems like the planets aline when i do things. as a kid grows up and gets in trouble enough times, he either stops getting in trouble or finds a loop hole. well, i didn't stop. i just find the loop whole. don't get me wrong, finding a way to make something easy is different from doing something wrong. my heart would ache even if i steal even a quarter. however, it doesn't make me stop from making things easy.

just ranting but when i do something, i put my whole heart into it. no matter how big or small....until i get tired or bored of it, then my brain automatically looks for a loop whole (its automatic and instant). everything man made, from laws to guidelines, will and always will have a loop hole. i learned that a long time ago.

if i knew 8 years ago that i would be here right now, and done the things i have, i wouldn't believe it.

well, heres to hoping it will never stop. always live adventurous and always have the 5 "L" in your soul. live, laugh, lift, learn, and love for all times. chip, chip, cheereos and all that.
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