Title: Four Vulcan Words Spock Taught to Captain James T. Kirk (and the One He Didn't)
Author: cestmoi01
Rating: G/PG
Word Count: 2,818
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Universe: both TOS and XI
Spoilers: TOS episode "The Menagerie"
Warnings: character death in the last part, but it was necessary for the word I chose!
Disclaimer: I am neither Gene Roddenberry nor JJ Abrams and am therefore making no money off of this, it is simply for fun.
A/N: Written for
this request over at st_xi_kink and crossposted like crazy. So it turned out waay longer than I thought it would! It's a blend of TOS and xi influences 'cause I love them both. All Vulcan words are taken from
this site.
Summary: The story of Jim Kirk's life aboard the Enterprise and his relationship with Spock in just five words - vitaya, t'hy'vaj, t'zaled, t'hy'la, and p'pil'la'ai.
"The first time Spock played chess with Captain Kirk was not the first evening that Captain Kirk was aboard the Enterprise."