Title: Parting Of The Sensory
hitlikehammersRating: R (for torture and graphic violence)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Word Count: 5,745
Summary: He knows these feelings don’t belong to him, but that doesn’t make them any less real. For the
st_xi_kink Fic Request Meme, Prompt: Nero is mindlessly focused in on Spock - on *hurting* Spock, even more so than just killing him. And he recognized Kirk "from earth's history". So he MUST know alllll about Spock & Kirk being the ultimate dream team, BFF's, screwing like bunnies, what have you. And now he's got Spock's captain here, beneath his hands. What better way to get revenge?. Spoilers for Star Trek XI (2009), Star Trek: Countdown. Vague references to Star Trek: The Original Series.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Title belongs to Modest Mouse.
Author’s Notes: A take on how Spock might react to the borrowed feelings of Spock Prime if he’d encountered them head on as Kirk apparently did (emotional transference and all that). Do me a favor and play along with the at times out-of-character emotionality and other plot devices of the like - particularly those involving communicators, transporter locks, and lingering psychic echoes in previously-owned spacecraft; apparently, those come with the title and registration - who knew?
Parting Of The Sensory: Part I