Title: Contact
Author: Blackbird Song
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Universe: TOS
Rating: Adult (Violence, explicit sex)
Disclaimer: I am participating in my culture by borrowing characters created by Gene Roddenberry and commenting upon them and the behind the scenes questions that occur to many of us about them in the form of fan-fiction. Roddenberry extolled fan-fiction written about Star Trek, so I believe that I have both a case for fair use and permission from the creator of the original work. The characters, settings and any quotes from Star Trek belong to Roddenberry and the people who created them. All the rest of this story is my creation and belongs to me.
Summary: Kirk needs a way to work out mental and emotional stress, but Spock's offer may not always be a good idea.
Author's Notes: Written for the KiSCon 2011 fanzine and re-posted to my journal. More notes under the fake cut.
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