[McCoy, minus eight days, has Sickbay on this accursed Starbase and can be found in the holodeck on one of the Decks today. Place may be a damn computer center to him, but he needs somewhere else other than the Sickbay and all the remaining Tribbles.
Anyone who manages to enter the holodeck will see the setting has somehow been re-programmed by the Doctor to reflect a familiar location from his childhood days. Namely the
Chattahoochee River on a fine summer day. He is sitting by the riverbank with a campfire crackling behind him.
And instead of his usual federation uniform, McCoy has opted to let the computer dress him quite casually for this setting and is wearing a simple, shirt and jeans rolled up to as he charily rests one of his bare feet in the rippling water.
He raises his bottle of Tennessee whiskey before he takes a sip. Thanks to the Vulcan mind-meld from Spock, he seems... well, at ease for the first time in a long time. Take advantage of the situation and talk to the pacified Doctor?]