Dec 07, 2012 03:11
Are we missing your post, your community, or your journal? Leave us a note in the comments, or email us at, and we'll add you to the reading list. Please check our posting guidelines before requesting that we add a link. trek_news links to Dreamwidth content as well! Let us know if we're missing your journal/community, or if you'd like to affiliate. You can follow us on Dreamwidth at trek_news feed . News: We have a (teaser) trailer!spock_uhura has an announcement/discussion post with the Japanese version of the trailer with more scenes . [Spoilers]startrek has an announcement post . [Spoilers]kirk_mccoy has a party post . [Spoilers]kirkspock has a squee post . [Spoilers]startrek has an announcement and discussion . [Spoilers]weepingnaiad has speculation . [Spoilers] Communities:spock_uhura plans a rewatch and chat for Sunday, Dec. 9 .star_fleet_rpg is a new sandbox-style RP. Challenges:startrek20in20 opens Round 41 . Fan Art: Spirk Eggnog by thegeekling (Kirk/Spock, Chekov/Sulu; PG-13; XI) Christmas Morning Snuggle, A Gift for You by spomarani (Kirk/Spock; PG; TOS, XI) Fan Fic: Slash - WIPs Misfits, As Inspired By Rudolph or Spockie the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1/?) by spirktrekker42 (Kirk/Spock; PG; XI) The Ballad of Jim and Bones (5/6) by neko_fish (Jim/Bones, slight Spock/Uhura; PG-13; XI)Penumbra (1/?) by hitlikehammers (Sherlock/John, Kirk/McCoy, Moriarty; PG-13; XI, crossover with Sherlock) Slash - Completed Wake Me Up Again by [Anonymous] (Reaper!Bones/Kirk; PG-13; XI, crossover with Doom) Suffer the Little Children by melooza (Kirk/Spock; PG-13; XI) Christmas Eve Date by kenshincha (Kirk/Spock; PG; XI) Perhaps It Means Something (A Little Bit More) by jaylee_g (Kirk/Spock; PG-13; XI) Fixation by ladygray99 (McCoy/Chekov; NC-17; XI) Naughty or Nice by ncc1701a (Kirk/Spock; R; TOS) Five Porny Ficlets! by [Anonymous] (Kirk/Spock, Joanna McCoy, Bones, Scotty; NC-17; XI) Hypothetical by echoinautumn (Chekov/Sulu; PG-13; XI) Icons/Graphics:mr_picard with 15 icons from the HD version of "The Child" . (TNG) Send your fandom news to Trek News !