Title: An Equitable Trade
quietcontrary Author:
kcscribbler Rating: Art - PG | Fic - PG-13
Genre/Pairing: Gen, Angst, mild H/C, Humor. Kirk/Spock/McCoy friendship, background Sarek/Amanda, background Scotty/Uhura, cameos by M’Benga, Chekov, Uhura
Word Count: 23,156
Warnings: AU. Spoilers for Operation - Annihilate! Warnings for conspiracy, mentions of political cover-up. This is epistolary fic; I don’t know why, that’s just how it demanded to be written. Take it up with the muse, if it doesn’t eat you first. Title comes from Spock’s words during the episode in question.
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Fic Summary: A disastrous scientific experiment has far-reaching consequences for the command crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Since a starship captain is a more valuable commodity than a now-blind Science Officer, First Officer Spock becomes a political scapegoat in addition to a victim of the tragedy. But as his sight begins to return in a supposedly civilian medical facility, Spock discovers that the world of politics is dark and dangerous, and that his captain has unwittingly landed them all smack in the middle of the biggest cover-up of their careers.
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