Title: My Captain
Characters: Kirk, Spock, Sulu, misc. others
Rating: T for safety
Word Count: (this part) 7113
Warnings/Spoilers: Missing post-Paradise Syndrome scene and accompanying baggage, not all of which I addressed here. Spoilers for that episode and Enterprise Incident, references to Where No Man Has Gone Before.
Summary: Five reasons why the crew of the Enterprise would follow James T. Kirk to Hell and back, and one reason why he would do the same.
A/N: Chapter Three wasn't posted to this comm because it contained nothing but crackfluff (yes, this is a word. I just made it one.), so you may have missed that one if you're not on my f-list.
Chapter One) | (
Chapter Two) | (
Chapter Three)
“Oh, come on,” Porter, an Environmental Control ensign, scoffed. “Spock doesn’t do anything in public, much less anything to do with a human.” )