Title: Leave No Soul Behind (1.2/?) 2,838 words of 71,000+
Fandom: Star Trek XI, TOS references.
Characters: Kirk/Spock, ensemble, OCs.
Rating & Warnings: Strong R - slash, language, adult themes.
Spoilers: For the 2009 movie mostly.
Disclaimer: Fanfiction and fanfiction only, folks.
Betas: the magnificent
Author's Note: This is written for
stripedpetunia on
trek_exchange, and I apologise for the delay with this next installment; I've been working nights which kind of tends to wipe me out. I hope the length and the promise of the next chapter within a couple of days makes up for it. Those with keen eyes may have noticed that we're up to 71k total length now, omg.
Chapter 1.2: You know when you meet someone for the first time and make an absolute idiot of yourself? Well, yeah ... Previous Chapters
prologue Chapter 1.1