We are now inventing the Photoshop Phriday.

Jul 10, 2009 22:03

Hello there cracklings! How's tricks?

I have always found that phrase peculiar.

Anyway, I am currently out of the country, in deepest darkest Slovenia (yes, it's a place; no, it's not Slovakia. There is a museum here with THIS picture of a young Hemingway in it. Also caves and mountains and lakes. Also young Hemingway. Anyway.). As such, try as I may, I haven't been able to get together a nice shiny lovely cared-for update for you.

So, because alliteration and abuse of the English language are my toys, I have decided that it is now PHOTOSHOP PHRIDAY where I shall show you the terrible deeds I have wrought with naught but photoshop and a tablet stuck together with old tape.

The preview is in my icon.


Fun fact: You can use this as a desktop wallpaper. I know I did. Then my computer crashed. Wonder why.

And because I'm feeling generous, have something for the road:

Now every time you close your eyes, greasy naked oiled Shatner will be behind them, thrusting through space and your hopes and dreams.

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