Hello! I shall keep this short and stick to the genderybenderyness.
This is a word, I looked it up in the dictionary.
First up, a genderbent take on "The Naked Time". The captain will of course be adding to this at a later date. And ignore the fact that Sulu is left handed here. SHE IS A GIRL OF MANY TALENTS.
I probably should have mentioned that this is a fairly foul-mouthed update.
ANYWAY. Comic! I made it especially for you.
Fun fact: I make faces as I draw. The faces I make are those of the expressions I am drawing.
My face hurts now.
Also, I obviously do not understand rulers.
And another comic! For you! Aren't you lucky!
Fun fact: I drew most of this at work. Which is sort of glaringly obvious in retrospect. Also, Spockerella is a sensible girl, with her duvet and cozy flannel pyjamas and hot water bottle. Kirkette is never sensible.
And if anyone makes points about vulcan anatomy and Pon Farr I will growl at them and bare my sharp sharp teeth (but not my blunt blunt teeth) because THIS IS A GENDERBENT UNIVERSE I DO NOT THINK NORMAL RULES APPLY HERE grarr rarrg.
(I know, I'm terrifying.)
Next update: Emaan of Troyius, Khanelle, and many more!