We are all now well-acquainted with the officers of the U.S.S. Genderbenterprise (in some cases a little too well-acquainted), but let us not forget the little people, the Redskirts and minor characters who provide contrast and humour and, occasionally, plomeek soup.
P.S. Once again
bronwynferchdai has carried the good name of the Naughty Nurse to sensual (read: NSFW) extremes, accompanied by pictures such as this:
So go and have a look, why don't you.
Christian has to wax every Sunday to keep his legs so sleek and shiny. Once a ball of waxing strips was caught in an updraft and stuck to Spockerella's uniform, and she thought one of her Tribbles had escaped.
Lieutenant Kylie keeps telling Scottina that she'd like to 'march across her Stirling Bridge'. Scottina does not know what this means.
You may well be thinking that Kylie looks like Christine Chapel, but Christine Chapel does not exist in this reality, so that observation is moot.
Harriet Mudd has some nice young men you might like to marry. Just don't mention her husband.