Nov 22, 2015 23:55
Catching the Bus - 11.22.15, 11.49pm
New Words: 2433
Total Words: 44133
Page Count: 215
Reason for Stopping: Exhaustion. Yesterday, at the Harvard-Yale tailgate, I used up all the weekend's emotional energy loving and being loved, dancing to Future, being admired for that "Hotline Bling" sweatshirt, seeing my Big Bro for the first time in entirely too long, meeting loved ones in person for the first time, and just being surrounded and swallowed up in the embrace of so many beautiful, brown #wokebros and #wokebaes. Just a fount of "wakens". Either way, it's a wonder I got pages today, as I wasn't entirely sure when I'd be back in NYC. And, it turns out Thanksgiving is this week, lol. But, at this pace, my Dashboard has me hitting 50k by Nov. 25th. This draft is going to be more than 50k. Lol. All of the lolz.
Currently reading: The Town That Started the Civil War - Nat Brandt
catching the bus,
progress report