Ghosts - 11.9.14, 1.01 (local time)
New Words: 3064
Total Words: 61571
Page Count: 294
Mean Things: A lynching.
Reason for Stopping: Underworld has gotten really, really good.
Notes: The fun continues. I'm immensely happy with the stuff I've been able to explore here, particularly in this segment that managed to braid together a couple themes I'd been trying to work into here, namely blackness and mental illness, and general notions of Other as aberrations, as peculiarities and perhaps lessenings and how various characters unconsciously fall in line with that belief and how others co-opt it. What happens when you take on the traditions of the oppressor in mockery? Things like that. Also, I'm six pages away from 300. :)
I remember: one of my earliest worries/concerns/preoccupations with this book was that it wasn't recognizably sfnal enough. It didn't move with a proper sfnal novel's pacing. Didn't play with any Hard SF tropes. No dirigibles, not even the thought of a generation ship. Just a bunch of people who are different and trying to deal with that. And lots of language. My predictions is that, if anyone else were to eventually read this, they'd call it litfic with explosions or litfic with telekinesis, X-Men as envisioned by Matthew Weiner. Worrying about that won't get this book written. And it certainly won't get me to write a book I enjoy writing, which is the book I'm writing right now.
61571 / 90000 words. 68% done!
Currently reading: Underworld - Don DeLillo