So, I'm here. And as of yesterday I had been to parties, a baseball game, a reading, a signing, my favorite stores, a few different libraries, I'd hung out with old friends and family, new friends, rode my bike to the park, even been to a spelling and grammar bee, (not to mention lotsa tv) but somehow I didn't feel settled. I was still stuck in my own head, trying to understand that I was really back here, that my time in Minnesota, amazing as it had been, was over, but that my friendship with everyone there still existed. Well, yesterday I was playing with Amy's cat (Squee) and I just forced myself to really be there and experience it. And then later on Phil came over and I drove him to Red Hook and it was cool. And then I talked with Annette and Kara, both of whom made me feel better. And then the Mets lost, but I don't actually care about that. Dave was there, hanging out with me, making me glad to be here. I guess what I'm saying is, knowing I wanted to be here wasn't the same as having it feel right. But yesterday, it really did.
The kicker was this dream I had. Certain parts were just the usual reminiscent of my day, but at the end I was leaving Jew Camp (which happened to be in my backyard) and this one guy was telling me he'd miss me, and how the experience had really changed him. I said, that's awesome, but for me it really feels like all the major changes in my life have already passed. And he said, of course they won't be as many or as often as you get older, but they always keep happening. And then I woke up with "In A Big Country" stuck in my head. So to summarize, I feel better.
Now I know this wasn't at all funny, so I will give everyone the
update on the Wesley Snipes tax evasion scandal they so sorely desire.