I am thinking, owing to the fact that some people on my list skim past my sci-fi related entries (you have told me so!;p), whether or not to set up some filters for specific things. I haven't been using filters for a very long while now but perhaps I should? Or should I just keep on posting my entires and leave it to the person reading it to read it or not? I am going to get a paid account again at the end of this week so in case of the absence of any advice recieved in the meantime I may do a poll.
But onto my reason for being here. Well, aside from the fact that I just can't seem to get motivated today and Ciaran, Rowan and I are still in our PJ's. I will have to get Rowan dressed though because I need to go to the shops. He wants me to leave him behind but I told him no! Strange child. I hope he's better for school in the next couple of days.
Anyway..real reason for posting! I saw this and just burst into hysterical laughter:
It's Tennant's face that does it. It's like the Star Trek one I've seen all over but a Who version! (just thougth I would state the obvious!)
And when I mentioned being unimpressed with Human Daleks I found this picture to show you why. Just not scary. A bit freaky in a 'that man's got an octopus for a head!' sort of way but no scary voice, no ray gun, no pepperpot - NOT DALEK!!! I think I must be a dalek purist. Darren thinks it's teh awesome.
And does anyone watch Heroes? I started watching it from the first episode out of curiosity - hey, it's sci-fi so I will give it a chance. Well, every week it just got better and better and last night's episode was fantastic. Poor Peter Petrelli! I found myself sitting staring at the TV open mouthed with thoughts of going online to check out theories racing through my head. Oh dear, as if I don't have enough with my Lost/BSG/Doctor Who obsessions!
I had best get dressed. *groans*
And that is all.:D