My heart, the LHC, and other broken things

Sep 25, 2008 22:24

You Broke It!

Listen, Particle Physics, I thought we had something real here. I thought we had an understanding. I was going to get very excited about Higgs fields, inertia and tell everyone that maybe we'd even get proof of M Theory even though I take the math for all of that stuff on faith. In return, you were going to get on it and find the Higgs Boson already.

I'm cheating on you, anyway. That's right, when I told you I was reading Brian Greene during lunch on Wednesday, I was actually in the planetarium at school listening to a lecture on astrophysics.

No, don't be like that. It isn't that I've stopped loving you, I just think I need a little time. Maybe after the holidays we can get together and talk. Call me in 2009.
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