(no subject)

Mar 16, 2011 17:40

The kids have decided to do their best to top yesterday's destructive escapades. And have succeeded, I think. I'm too irritated to type it all, but it involved a drawing on the floor of The Miss's room, in poop, and trashing the kitchen twice. Oh, and undoing all of the knitting I got done yesterday, plus a bit.

They are banished to their rooms to play quietly until I get it all cleaned up, on threat of something dire.

And I haven't managed to do most of the pre-Mom-visit cleaning I'd wanted to todayM because I've got to watch the kids so close lately. This would be one of the rare days when I wished I had a grandparent close enough to take them for a couple hours. Or that one of the people who said they'd be here for us actually was.

(No, they weren't that much better this morning. I strapped them into their swings while I was planting, and tried to be quick so they wouldn't get too bored. Which works because I've trained them to wait in their swings while I mow the yard.)

ETA: add laying hands on my lace-knitting-in-progress to their sins today. One of them pulled 8" or so off the needles, and that section unravelled between 3 and 6 (I think) rows. And I'm afraid they snagged and actually ripped another section, but I can't check that until after they're in bed. Dammit.
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