It's another shoot-me-now day

Feb 28, 2006 12:03

Still queasy, which means that I didn't sleep well, and am doubly cranky today. (And am seriously hoping my Altoids supply holds out today...that's helping the queasy, somewhat.) Add to those the fact that the WS guy who SAID he'd take over the watering on Tues and Thurs didn't get in until I was half done with it today, and the other WS guy left stuff in strange places in the greenhouse yesterday. Again. Bastard. The usual Tuesday volunteers are in, one reasonably capable, one not, and both liable to get cranky and leave if we give them something to do that's "not interesting". The afternoon Tuesday volunteer called in and said she'd be late, and need to leave early, but at least she's not bringing her kid in this week. Brian and I had already decided we were sending her home if she came in with the toddler and expected to work again. That SO did not work last week.

AND....Donna came in all hot-to-trot about the upcoming interviewee for the FT hort teacher they're looking for. I guess no one in the committee but her actually read the paperwork, and he's not nearly as qualified as the front page makes him look, and she's trying to figure out who ok'd him for an interview, because not all the necessary paperwork is in. (She's making a timeline at the moment, of all the times he was in various schools, and for how long, and the questionable breaks in between and the very short work history. She's planning to take that to the interview.)


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