Various things, quickly

Feb 03, 2006 10:40

I had to take a break in the middle of watering to make a go-away sign for the greenhouse door today, so a quick update:

Decanted the greenhouse meead I started at New Years' into a new carboy last night. It didn't keep the lovely rosy pomegranate color it'd had when it started, but it's still a nice honey color, and the flavor....weeee. Great balance of citrus and ginger, just enough of those sour little kumquats to make it nicely tangy. I'm looking forward to seeing what this does in a year.

Went to decant the sugar cane brew, only to find it had small floating colonies of blue fuzzy stuff. Not so good. That batch went over the deck railing into the flowerbed.

Got a few more rounds done on the other sleeve of The Sweater...I'm about 2" from where I stopped on the first one. I'll get both of those done that far, then work on thr body some more. Probably won't be cool enough to wear it if I actually finish the silly thing this winter/spring, but....

Started designing cables for more kilt hose. Now I just need to find the measurements I took for those people. Woops.

I ought to be watering now, but the plumbers finally came over to fix the broken on/off valve on the faucet in the second house. (The handle came off in my hand when I turned it on Tuesday morning. We've been using vice grips since.) So I guess I'll catch up on virtual things while they're working.

kilt hose, work, the sweater, mead

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