Just an update.

Aug 08, 2010 12:32

hey guys!
well as you know I got my license recently.

and well, I haven't been around that much, uh less than usual xD. I'm trying to ween myself off the internet.
failing miserably of course.

my friend was helping me look for a job and he set me up to get an interview at his workplace which is fine but it just so happens that his place of work is an hour away (I know -_-)

So I got the interview, answered her questions filled stuff out. ect

one of her questions was: "Are you good with people?"

my answer: "I'm fairly decent with people."
a small lie...>.> since I'm socially retarded.

another question was "Can you lift more than 30lbs?"

I said yes, but I'm not sure about that XDD
my upper body strength is kind of lax. lolz. I'm sure I'll be fine. (I hope)

So yadda yadda my friend texts me saying I'm getting hired.
I'm sort of have this feeling of dread because this is going to be my first job ever. I'm worried I'm going to muck shit up somehow.
not to mention I'm going to have to drive down for training BY MYSELF. And it'll be the first time I'll be driving by myself anywhere >.<
tbh, I don't like driving. In fact I hate it xD I sort of have this fear of it. lolz
I know I made a big dilly about getting my license but...I just want to use it to get to a job really.
*shrug* I dunno if i'll ever get used to it. people say i will. but i have my doubts.

Other news:
I found out that I have a third nipple D: I dunno how I never knew, I always thought it was a mole but closer examination proved otherwise haha my best friend has four nipples and I always make fun of him for it. I'll never live this down :zomg

I finally started watching Supernatural.
I was stupid and started at the end of season 4.
I think I died and went to Fap Heaven.
MISHA IS GORGEOUS /flail/foamsatmouth

Nikki and I have started a quest.
if anyone wants to join come hither.

Long live the quest!

over and out.

fangirling, work, rape quest, rambling, misha

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