
Jun 05, 2010 17:00

I just woke up so I'm going to try to type down a dream I just had while it's fresh.
shit I think it's already leaving me.
well what I remember:
There was this chick and she was in a jail of some-sort except it was the kind with those clear plastic walls with the holes. (lmao I dunno what their called)
she lures in this nerdy scientist dude and seduces him, then while they're lying there she touches him and he breaks up into a thousand pieces and she absorbs him. o.o   
anyway the crazy chick escapes and keeps killing and absorbing people.
and she keeps mutating. D:
this is like some crazy bastardized version of parasite eve/resident evil/ maybe spilce

it was fucked up.

I had another dream too, this one made me feel uber sad....
I was dating this guy (he looked like guy who plays "Denis" on It's always sunny xD)
Everything I said or did he criticized. he was a major doucher.
yet for some reason I was hellbent on making him love me.
I followed him everywhere like a puppy.
clinging to his every word.
(now the dream wasn't THAT straight-forward, it's still a dream so it was all over the place and wacky)
meh it made me feel SO sad when I woke up.
now, I've never been in a "REAL" relationship.
but goddamn.

I, Sarah, do solemnly swear not to let douche bag guys rule my life.
the end.

to be continued....when I feel like it.

douche bags, dreams, sleepy, zzzz

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