Jan 24, 2005 20:05
this past weekend has been nuts for me. I've been thinking a lot about how much I am missing out, but am I really missing out? This past weekend eerbody went home and Malone was this disgusting ghost town of boringness. I want the weekends to be fun and when sac (student activity council) has got nothing, I got nothing. What does everyone do? Especially eyes, dom, and cartilege...where are these people partyin it up at? So me and tara tried to hit up the bars on saturday night, but i dont think that is for us...what are we supposed to do? Why isn't there a Max like on saved by the bell? Me and tara have resorted to prank calling people, calling people just to hear their voice/ hang up, and watching dumb n dumberer for the 20th time. Sometimes I just wish we were drunk of our asses to pass time.