... I return! I still live in Alaska, precisely, which is more and more of a drag. I've been playing World of Warcraft since it came out, but I quit back in May and sold my account. With that monkey off my back, I have a lot of spare time, and a lot of opportunity to look back and go 'what the hell have you done?' because, folks, it's a yawning abyss of wasted time back there.
I'm still in school, and I think my sister (who is five years younger) is going to finish her DOUBLE MAJOR before I even knock out my first one. I'm working on a psychology degree, though, and at least I find most of the material interesting unlike certain other disciplines - like computer engineering. Best worst year I've ever had, studying that.
Anyway I'm here in Alaska but I don't know how much longer I can take it. The social isolation (from my good net buddies and all those funny furries!) just makes me crazy, but I keep telling myself I have to stay to finish my degree. I do not know if I will be able to, or if I will end up relocating for my sanity.
In other news, I went to ANTHROCON and it was awesome! Sadly, again because I've cloistered myself away these last years, I only had a few people to actually meet up with. I was introduced around by these friends (thanks!) but still, I feel like I missed a huge portion of the con experience by not getting smashed at room parties and making myself known to so many more people!
I picked up a conbadge and commissioned another for my super secret Tapestries character (Rakana) who is no longer a secret OH WELL. I tried to win something at the art show but it got sent to the voice auction with a $240 starting bid and I didn't even try to get it at that point.
I'm definitely going back to this convention next year, and I'm waffling around with the idea of attending the west coast one in January. Some good things definitely happened at the con: I got to meet
Tyrc and her mate, which was awesomesauce, and
Rratfox was there too! Spent hours reminiscing with the Raxen, in fact. I had a super 'awww!' moment when
dingybatty passed me in the hotel lobby on the day of traveling home, and she did an about-face and gave me a hug. I was so stunned I don't even know exactly what I said back.
And now I'm home and I think I have con crud; stuff is dripping down the back of my throat. Ew. UPDATE: This may also just be because the entire city is in a haze of smoke blowing in from wildfires. I can't tell, either way I'm all hack-and-cough. Curse you, combustion!