English is my second language

Oct 26, 2005 11:27

Todays word is found in my current reading In OTHER Words by Christopher J. Moore. I might as well say that I love languages and maeanings of things, but have never had a conventional knack for "proper anything" when it comes to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and whatsuch. My papers in school nearly always came back with A+ for content and D to B- for grammar spelling. So occaisionally I'll intentionally mess with it because I know I don't know how to do it correctly. My adorable and delightful friend Owlet is an adept editor and puts up with alot as far as my writing goes. I have said for many years that "English is my second language....I'm still looking for the first."

That said, the word I'm digging today is the Arabic "taraadin" (tah-Rah-den)(noun) Arabic apparently has no term for "comprimise" in the way we do ie; coming to an arrangement via struggle and disagreement. They instead have the term "teraadin", which is a pleasant solution for everyone, an "I win, you win" situation.

While I'm sure that this is somewhat idealistic and people speaking Arabic probably still feel a little screwed sometimes, it is an ideal worth striving for to create "win,win" compromises. I think if more people, companies, governments, and suchnot would seek teraadin in their dealings, existance would be much more peaceful and we might have a greater sense of community.
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