(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 19:58

ok so i haven't updated in a while. and i think i probably should at least say something so courtney doesn't have to comment on my last entry for the 5th time. lol. and court, for the record, i am not a crazy mexican! ok, just had to clarify that.

ok, here's a quiz i stole from cassie:


1. did you have a new year's resolution this year?
probably not. if i did, i definitely didnt keep it

2.Who kissed you at midnight?
pshh...no one

3. does it snow where you live?
ummm yes!

4. Do you like hot chocolate?
i love the stuff :-)

5. have you ever been to times square to watch the ball drop?
no, but that would be cool. when i have someone to kiss at midnight, i will bring them there. lol, in other words, it will never happen


1. Who was your Valentine in 2005?
ummm....no comment. but you all probably know anyway.

2. What did your valentine get you?
a box of chocolates. they were yummy.

3. when you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class?
yes! those were the good days....


1. are you Irish?
i don't think so.

2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day?

3.what did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2005?
umm...i went to school. and i wore green. i wore a st. patty's day necklace that was kinda cool....and that's it.


1. Do you like the rain?
it depends

2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
i probably tried, but i bet it didn't work

3. do you get tons of candy on easter?
ohh yeahhh.


1. What's your favorite kind of flower?

3. Do you like the spring?

4. Finish the phrase: April showers..
last for hours. lol, i dont like them. it's spring! i want to be outside! but warm rain is better than cold rain, so i guess there alright.

5. What would you think of as a spring color?
mm....pastels. yellow, pink, etc.


1. What year did you graduate from school?
CLASS OF 09! woot woot!

2. Did you go on any vacations last June?
psshh no. i don't think our beach house counts. i don't think i have ever been on vacation. seriously


1. What did you do on the 4th of July?
umm i think i went to some fireworks thing on the beach. that was cool.

2. do you go on any vacations during this month?
nope. just beach house againn.


1. did you do anything special to end off your summer?
i had my bithday party, if that counts. and i met out bi-polar asshole of a soccer coach, wayne lefort. ok. had to get that out of my system. sorry. thank god he's gone

2. what was your favorite summer memory of '05?
probably my birthday, and meeting all the soccer girls.

3. do you go swimming a lot in the summer?

4. do you go to the beach a lot?
yup. beach house. as in beach. duhh.


1. Did you attend school/college in '05?

2. who is/was your favorite teacher?
probably mrs rado. or mrs zampano.

3. do you like fall better than summer?
hell no.


1. what was your favorite halloween costume ever?
hahaha. i was a mime once. hahaha. and then i was a cloud....and a pirate(i broke the stereotypes! go me!). i love halloween! lol

2. what's your favorite candy?
ohhh...your gonna make me pick one?

3. what did you dress up like this year?
a cowgirl. wow halloween was awesomeeeee this year. i got sat on multiple times by football players. loonnggg story.


1. whose house do you usually go to for thanksgiving?
like, everyone's house. i went to 4 this year. i eat something everywhere.

2. what are you thankful for?


1. do you celebrate christmas?
ohh yess.

2. have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
pshh no.

3. what do you want this year for christmas?
YOU! lol just kidding. ummm....clothes are cool

4. what's the best present you ever got for Christmas?
i got a guitar last year

5. do you like cold weather?

6. How would u rate your 2005?
it was pretty darn good.

so...other than that....
i tried out for the spring musical. i didnt make it, but thats ok. i didnt expect too, even though my audition was prettyyy good. 2 freshman made it. justin (duh) and bobby. yay for bobby! i was excited. lol.

ok. well i am done now since there is nothing to write about. ♥
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