I really do need to update more often. I haven't written at all about my trip to see the live frogs at the National Geographic museum across from the Spitzer...er Mayflower Hotel, which was followed by a trip to the newly opened SUPER TARGET inside the city! That was last Sunday. Thursday, however, was way more exciting.
I finally, finally took a day of vacation so that I could go and lobby with the
EDC on capitol hill. Being from DC, I was partnered with two other ladies from the area, and a man who works at the renowned
Remuda Ranch in Arizona. Our goal was to build support around the FREED Act: The Federal Response to Eliminate Eating Disorders, which is not yet introduced in congress. When the massive bill is finished, it will be introduced by
Rep. Patrick Kennedy. Because her platform is ED awareness, Miss America, Kirsten Haglund joined in another lobby team. She really was a lovely person and I applaud her bravery in breaking some of the traditional beauty pageant stereotypes. If I were a little girl, I'd be glad to look up to her. Hell, as a grown-up, I'm glad to look up to her (even if she is younger than me).
Our little group of four was set up with meetings in the office of my non-voting Delegate
Eleanor Holmes Norton. They were super friendly to us, and the Assistant felt like she'd be right on board with us! Horray!
Thanks to having a man from AZ with us, we also had an appointment in Rep.
Trent Franks' office. Fox News was on the TV in there, so that alone should tell you how that meeting went. But the assistant we met with at least took the time to hear us out and was cordial.
The most super-exciting meeting however, was our last. That one was in
Sen. John McCain's office! His assistant seemed a bit friendlier than the last and was very cute (No! Republicans are Bad!!). I doubt we made any headway in that meeting, but if we could even get him to vote for the bill once it's on the floor, that's all we would need!
The senate buildings are oh so nice!! They have a digital, interactive directory, HUGE ceilings, and are really kind of imposing and very impressive. McCain's office was supernice, as should be expected for a Senior Senator with as much influence as he has.
After that last meeting, we had a lengthy break before our congressional briefing with Rep. Kennedy and the authors of the legislation. So, I took the opportunity to finally visit the
Supreme Court building. I had been meaning to visit since I moved here, and I've got to say it - it was... Supreme! They weren't holding any hearings that day, but I did get to see the chambers, and wander around the halls and the small museum downstairs. The userpic is the famed self-supporting spiral staircase that I took with my cell phone camera.
I had just enough time there to see all that I needed and meander back over to one of the House buildings for our briefing. It was moving, and inspiring, and a lovely finale to the end of the day. It was so nice of Rep. Kennedy to host it, and to attend (kind of a rare thing). Afterward, he also hung around to meet and chat with folks, so I of course had to take my turn, and get in a photo-op for myself! He might be a little, well, animated on the House floor, but he's a brave man to take on such a stigmatized topic in the political world. I think well of him.
What else can I say about Thursday, though, really? The weather was perfect, the people were amazing, and Hell - I got to spend the day on capitol hill! Oh, and I also was dubbed the "legislative expert" among my group. See, being a C-SPAN junkie pays off sometimes!!!
Today I went to see a Bette Davis double feature at the AFI theatre, followed by a fruitful shopping adventure at Target and a lovely walk home in the warm spring air with the light scent of flowers hanging on the breeze. I love my home. I'm super happy today!