Can't focus at all at work, writing on LJ instead. This'll get my head back in the game.
New stuff:
-Local football pool: Tied for first place last week, lost on tiebreaker. Tied for first place this week, pretty sure I won on tiebreaker (not 100%, waiting for confirmation) Travis picked the Falcons to win on one knows why. Not even the Falcons thought they could win
-My retarded ankle prevented me from going to Halloween Horror Nights on friday. I was pissed. Still am. I'm hoping to get a different group together to go sometime soon, but I don't know when. If anyone has plans to go, and would want to meet up on a specific night or carpool or whatever, let me know.
-Housesat last week for a guy at work. Confirmed several things. 1. I like dogs. 2. I want a grill. 3. I miss having a pool. 4. I have a strong dislike for cats.
-I've started enjoying playing wow again. I think I want to try doing Arena PvP. Also been playing my rogue (my first character to get to 60) and will probably get him to 70 soon. Its been fun recently. Also, Flying Machine.
-Roleplaying games are starting to tire me out a bit. Big group for my D&D game, hard to keep everyone interested in the session. Really pisses me off when half the group is damn near ignoring the game, having side conversations, reading books, stuff like that. Makes me want to kick half of them out and start over with a small group. Might have to eventually. If people aren't interested in playing, they can get the fuck out. Its tough because I've gotten some amazing participation from a few players, and nothing from others. And if there have been complaints, they aren't said to my face, so I can't fix anything that I don't know is a problem.
Werewolf is sometimes fun, but is often a great deal of standing around waiting for something to happen. Not being involved in "THE BIG PLOT" can make you feel like it doesn't matter that you showed up, especially when the vast majority of the "good" players are involved in the major plot, leaving me to hang out with the leftovers (people I like, but who aren't as involved in the game). Definite feelings of being on the "B Team", who's job is to not fuck up while the "A Team" does amazing things. Its really hard to be excited about showing up to a game when you know full well that there's no chance of you being the "hero" or even being involved the "really cool stuff", that you're destined to settle for the leftovers. And no, it doesn't matter that the leftovers could be cool when you know that other players get to do stuff that's been in the works since May and you're getting something thrown together last week.
Changeling should be fun, but its taken a long time to get started.
Vampire doesn't have the turnout I'd like to see, and doesn't have that feeling that it used to have. It feels forced and thrown together, instead of being epic it's just kinda there.
Also, skipping games I want to play in because of one individual is really getting old. I just can't force myself to sit at the same table unless one of us is running the game. It makes the game no fun for me.
And now for something a bit more fun. Name the movies these quotes come from!
1. Pick ten movies, any movies, you don't need any touchy feeling warm glow like thing going on for them.
2. Pick a line or two of dialog that you like or hate, as a case may be.
3. As people guess the film, give them a pat on the head but don't do anything to the entry cause its a waste of time.
4. NO cheating! (since, you know, we're watching you all the time)
5. Bonus points to those who can complete un-finished quotes
6. Bonus points to those who can name the character who said the quote.
7. Points don't matter. HA!
1. "I'm getting my ass out of the big glass house!"
2. "Ow! You fuckin' hit me with the phone, dick! "
3. "Hey, Hong Kong Fooey. Watch the fists of fury. "
4. "Welcome to MY nightmare."
5."Well, there was the part that you missed where I distracted him with the cuddle monkey then i said "play times over" and I hit him in the head with the peace lily."
6."Ohh, for God's sake! He's got an arm off!"
7."If my hands weren't tied by the unalterable fetters of the law, then I would invoke the tradition of our illustrious forebears, reach back to a purer, sterner justice, and have you BURNED AT THE STAKE!"
8."We're on a mission from God."
9."Look, Sammy, I'm not a very good shot...but the Samaritan here uses really big bullets."
10."What are you, Jimmy Olsen, cub reporter for the Daily Asshole?"
Have a Nice Day!