Haven't been in the state of mind to post lately, but here's a something cool:
-I've been working for TSS for 6 months, as of this previous monday. Go me.
I guess I'm just tired of dealing with crap from people. I've always played the middle-man, the moderator, the peacemaker. I've gotten sick of it. I've been sick of it for a long time, but I keep doing it. Why? Because if I don't, then I'll end up with a bunch of people who are friends with me and want nothing to do with each other, all over some stupid shit that really doesn't matter to either of them. Its a big part of my philosophy to get over shit fast these days. When I have issues with something or someone, I typically get really pissed at it, ignore it, and over a week or so (if that long) work out with myself what the deal is, and handle the situation. If the situation isn't repairable, then its gotta go. Grudges aren't worth holding. There's too much anger in the world to hold grudges. Let it go. Most of the time, grudges are over stupid shit anyways, and over time, people forget why they
I'm tired as hell of people saying stupid fucking shit that gets a bunch of people riled up, only to retract and say "I didn't mean it that way." If you don't mean it, don't say it at all. If you do, stand by your fucking words and deal with the consequences (or GOD FORBID YOU FUCKING APOLOGIZE). Everyone's entitled to an opinion, just be prepared for others to react to it. Just because your entitled to it doesn't mean everyone's gonna like it, and doesn't mean you won't piss off a whole lot of people over it. If it means that much that you'd say it, then say it. If its just something you're saying, then just keep it to yourself. God knows its not that fuckin' hard. I do it all the time.
One situation feels like a stupid fuckin' sitcom...one asshole feels the need to draw a line across the apartment and forces people to make a choice on which side they take. FUCK YOU. I'll cross that fuckin' like whenever I damn well please and there will be a serious problem if anyone tries to stop me.
There. Much better. Well not really, but it gets it off my chest a bit.
That's all for today.