Jan 17, 2006 21:43
Do not look for status or glory on this earth, but
seek only the good opinion of God himself. Desire God
alone, that He may desire you, and so guide you into
His eternal Kingdom. Listen to me not because I am
your chosen pastor, but because as someone who is
shortly to die I have no reason to deceive you: as
death approaches, the truth is all that matters.
-Saint Ignatius of Antioch (+110), under arrest by
Roman guards, on his way to Rome to be martyred -
thrown to lions in the arena.
HELLO my little sausages out there. It is I Phill and I have great news. While on my Pilgramage to the Holy Land I found God or i should say God found me. When returned home with my devine insight I decided that was my vocation will be in the service of the Holy Orders. I am now Reverend Phill of the Universal Life Church which is based in Modesto California. I was ordained and recieved my full credentials of ministry on January 9th 2006. I am now able to perform marriages, funerals, baptisms, lastrights, issue communion or whatever i feel like doin' thats inside the law. I cannot circumcise anybody so dont ask. I can also absolve others of their sins as i have been absolved for my own.
As a Reverend i am also granted the right to start my own church which I am in the process of doing so. As we all know, churches dont just drop out of the sky although God could make it happen if he wanted to. So i ask all of my friends and family, brothers and sisters of the Universe to help support my cause. Suggested donations start at $2,500 but all donations are welcom. My house is my base of opperations as of now.
With a donation you automatically become a member of my parish and will be given certain benefits not yet ready to be disclosed.
If you do not wish to donate at this time or are financially crippled, myself or one of my decons may baptise you into the faith.
The Universal Life Church only has two articals of Dogma that its followers are to adhere to
1: to promote freedom of religion and
2: to do that which is right as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others and is within the law
(although I am a firm believer in Civil Disobiedience myself; for legal reasons I ask you to obey the law)
So thankyou for your time and consideration. May the Force be with you all.