Twisted Cyster

Jan 10, 2007 16:26

zomg.  I am so exhausted by this whole issue.  I went to the family doctor and told him about insomnia.  He gave me something for sleep, but what he really wanted to give me was Cymbalta.  That's an SNRI/SSRI prozac-y med.  Just when I thought I was finished with those, right?  Seems like the whole world wants you on happy pills.  But here's the deal:  I am weepy, I am fatigued, I am anxious, and I am willing to try and see.  But if I gain still more weight or find that I can't "seal the deal" during sexytime, that will be the end of that.

THEN I got some bloodwork and went to the Gyn.  I hate this Gyn.  My fasting blood sugar is the LAST point of normal before you get into uh-oh land.  Like 109 and bad is 110.  My period has yet to come and when it does come it's getting lighter and more bleh.  My stupid ovaries hurt (I know that's hard to imagine, but they do).  And finally!  FINALLY!  I get a diagnosis.  It covers those little hairs that have to be yanked out, the weight gain, the fatigue, the mood swings, the break-outs, the jacked-up cycle.  It is, she says, PCOS.  But then she says "no big deal, you're just not ovulating."

I don't push, but I probe.  What are you going to do about the PCOS?  For it is, in fact, a big deal to me, but what do I know?  I personally dislike tweezers, peeing on sticks due to late periods, my eyes welling up over stupid shit like car commercials, having PMS that goes on for weeks, and OH YEAH, being infertile even if I don't need my fertility for a few more months.  I personally dislike the idea of what elevated fasting glucose means for my pancreas.  I dislike the fact that none of my clothes fit.  And all the other symptoms, most of which I have.

She's going to do.... pretty much NOTHING!  She can put me on the pill so I can start bleeding (that's a quote).  Bitch, it's not the bleeding I miss.  It's the whole cadre of things that constitute feeling "good" and "normal."  I say... well, what pill?  Yasmin?  She says:  it doesn't really matter.  The pill is the pill.  Wow.  That's not what I heard/read.  I heard Yasmin is the gold standard for PCOS because of added anti-androgenic properties it mystically possesses.   And that some pills can worsen insulin resistance.   Fine, Yasmin, whatever, she says.  Okay...  What about (and I'm getting hesitant at this point, because I am being made to feel like a hypochondriac party crasher.  Very "What About Bob.") um, metformin?  Because that's what you hear really helps people turn the corner on PCOS (it's a diabetes drug).  "That would only be if you were trying to get pregnant.  Why risk having side effects.  I don't really deal with weight gain.  Some people just have slow metabolisms and gain weight in their abdomens, that's all."

Um, why?  I deserve to get hairier and fatter and balder and sadder and to have two ovaries that feel like lead baseballs for the foreseeable future just because I don't want to start trying to get pregnant until this summer?  Wow.  THANKS.  'Preesh!

She does gamely mention that if I want a 2nd opinion, I could get one from an internist or an endocrinologist.  Hmmmm.  Do you think I might want to do that?  After all that comprehensive care you gave me?  Really?  And by the way, you'll DEFINITELY be seeing me in 3 months to find out how that Yasmin is doing for me.  Hold your breath on that, okay?  And if you get a call from another gyno asking you to send them my file, don't be alarmed, okay.   'Cause you and I... well, you're my girl, right.  I'll, uh, call you later.

Who else out there has this?  And does this doctor visit sound, like, optimal to you?

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