May 13, 2004 03:34
so i'm a curious type of guy. when the whole nick berg video came about i found myself wanting to see it. last night i downloaded it and watched it. for several hours afterward i was kind of messed up in the head. it was one of the most surreal things i've ever seen. i'm still in shock to a certain extent. how that man can wake up in the morning and justify what he did in good conscience is beyond me. "i cut a mans head off the other night...and God is greatest".
yesterday secretary of defense rumsfeld said he "hoped" everything in iraq works out for the best. i find this to be a disturbing statement from the man in charge. his uncertainty makes me only hope for political change in the future.
yesterday was a horrible day at work. i'm almost to the point of walking out. yes, i hate my job...not so much the job as the morons i work with. i've never had a job where i have to babysit men twice my age. yes, i'm a babysitter. my babies are 40-50 years old...but they act like they're 8 years old. it's fucking sick.
lately i've found myself unable to locate a valid reason for continuing (with life). my work situation is less than adequate. my home situation is dismal at best. my love life (nonexistent) sheds no hope. the world beyond this window is on fire. bottles hold my future, and there are many that congregate on my closet floor. i feel dead inside. i am dead inside. i have been for a long time. my compassion for an empathetic world seems superfluous given the fact that everyone is looking out for number one.
dead inside.