Cinema-Report #11 - Pompeii

Mar 30, 2014 22:49

I'm dreadfully behind with my cinema and book reports - so let's head right into Pompeii.
This one certainly won't win any Oscars, but it was still a good film, if you like that genre. If you want your stories plot-hole free and full of logic and great acting, than this is probably not for you :)

Kit Harington did well as the hero, with nice fight scenes and looking suitably handsome. He's also apparently a good runner, because he constantly seems to run to and fro between places in no time.
I'm not sure what Kiefer Sutherland was doing as the bad guy in that film - he was mean, yes, but else it was a bit of an odd show.
The volcano itself becomes part of the story only about halfway through, because before this turns into a disaster movie we first have the story about the hero being a slave and gladiator and falling in love and fighting for his live and freedom ...

I really liked the effects. This one was in 3D again and it was quite something to have volcano rocks flying right at you.
Since I was in Pompeii as a child (and even on Vesuvius), it was nice to see these ruins come to life.

Most surprising was the end - I did warn about spoilers a few weeks ago when I started this, right?
Actually everyone died. Not just the bad guys and the side-kicks ... the lovers, too!
Yes, this might be a bit like Titanic, because it's about as easy to escape a volcano as it is to survive a sinking ship in ice cold water. Nevertheless, I really would have expected them to manage it - no matter how cheesy it would have been.
As it was, I didn't even mind the unhappy end, because it just was more logical. There simply was no way they could have outrun the hot ash, they just were too busy with the annoying bad-guy to get away soon enough.


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