Aug 14, 2009 11:47
I love taking walks after it's been raining. It has to be just right, low heat and low humidity, but just enough water in the air that you can suck in the after-rain aroma, a mixture of wet grass and concrete and somewhat cleaner air. I put on my good friend Pandora and feel like I'm invincible. That, to me, is what life is all about. Taking walks and feeling on top of the world. And like the Cat Steven's song, I truly do sing out (and dance out or hop or twist and turn) whenever I want to. That was yesterday, and maybe I'll go tonight as well. Husband and I can both sleep in tonight since I don't have to work tomorrow. I love having Saturday off, even if it's to take a test. You know you're out of school when taking a final exam is taking a break.
They've discovered a sleep gene mutation that allow some people to function normally on 6 or fewer hours of sleep. I want to read the study. It's hard for me to believe that those people don't suffer mentally in some way, because it's just not fair. Do they get more life? I know I don't have the gene. My mom and Julie might. I'm also interested in the nature of sleep. It's such a weird thing if you think about it. Maybe people with the mutated gene have faster processers. They download information in a shorter amount of time.
So life married. The good: I love seeing him every day. It's like having a sleepover with your best friend every night, except it's forever. So sometimes we don't get a lot of sleep, but we almost always have fun. We watch Bones most nights in, sometimes during dinner. We make plans and just do them spontaneously. You get to talk about other people and roll your eyes, and dream about the future. I know I'm not alone in what I do. We get to hug and talk constantly. We're a team, and whatever bad happens, we're in it together. I can be completely honest and tell him what I really feel about everything. The bad: it's hard to always have a witness to your life's up and downs. This next one is both good and bad; I use to be accountable to just me and felt a lot of self-reliance, so it's hard to give up some control to someone else. You get sorta lazy that way, but also trusting.