Dec 12, 2004 19:03
hmm wow.
I am just so excited for "the answer"
i hope it will work. and i hope they'll be nice.
And if they are not i might have to disobey.
well um nothing going on here.
got back from my moms about 2 hours ago.
played the new ddr the whole entire weekend. because its a grrrrrrrrreat game.
I am soo excited for break but then again im not for certain reasons.
well my cat is obese and is licking the whole entire kitchen floor.
how strange.
Im bored and now there is no one to talk to online. so i mine as well just leave and call it a night.
Now i am going to go play with my seals from boston. I know im silly.
then going to get in the shower.
ill talk you all (well most of you) in school tomorrow.
night kiddo's
be good.:-P
57SC <3 soon...