May 17, 2009 09:10
So last night, while I was bowling with friends, I got a "low battery" warning on my pump. No biggie, really, I still get 2-3 days of use out of the pump before it dies, but I usually try to change it immediately when that happens. Being, you know, out with friends made that impossible. By the time I got home, I had forgotten.
Had more fun with friends at home. Went to bed with a sugar of 131 around midnight. Woke up this morning and went to check the time. I have no clock I can see from the bed, and I hadn't brought my cell phone in with me, so I got my pump and pressed the "light" button so I could read the time. Nothing. Put the pump as close to my eyes as I could, and saw nothing still -- no numbers, no symbols, nada. Dead battery. God knows how long I've been without insulin.
First order of business: change battery. Thankfully, all my settings (basals, ratios, etc) are still intact. Then I test my sugar -- 176. Not bad. Definately not as bad as it COULD have been. I was expecting to be over 300. Take bolus.
Lesson learned. Change battery as soon as the message pops up.