"Only some people get what they want. Those are the people who show up to get it."
- This quote has been all around me the past 24 hours. It's one of my favorite quotes from Take the Lead (watched last night), I found it on someone's fanfiction page (last night), and now it just showed up in my friends list under the "motivational quotes" thing I get. I'm all for the Universe trying to smash my head in with messages, I just don't know what this one is supposed to mean. Is there something I'm supposed to show up for that I haven't? Will there be an opportunity in my future?
Then again, I did have an interesting dream about returning to work last night/this morning. I dreamt it was the "orientation day" where everyone meets with their department and we all change our rooms around, and we get tutoring in the computer gradebook. That's not surprising -- I got my teaching schedule and a notice about orientation yesterday. (I have a GREAT schedule by the way -- I have first period off :))
Maybe it's something I just have to think on.
"It had only been my repeated experience that when you said to life calmly and firmly... 'I trust you; do what you must,' life had an uncanny way of responding to your need."
- I've often been told I need to let go. I've read in dozens of spirituality books that the Universe will provide what I need. I think these two are tied together -- the Universe will provide, but I have to show up to get it. I have to be willing to take on the responsibility of whatever it is.
Who knows?
Anyway, my Shamanism journal is up and running.
dancinginastar is born! Some (very few) posts may overlap -- it's not just going to be a place for journeys, but for all my spiritial sludge -- burning herbs, maybe the occasional spell cast, cleansing, healing, etc. Things I learn in class. For anyone who's curious, I'll probably spend part of today updating with the journeys I have written down from the past, if you want to learn what all this is about. Hope to see you there!