Nov 04, 2005 17:27
Everyone else is updating so i suppose I should too...
unfortunatly my life is boring.
Bec's gymnastic thing is tomorrow. Denise and i are going. Or I'm going dress shopping the Grigs. So many plans so little time!
Supposed to do something with Steph and Carrie. Some movie thing. I just got asked to do it, dont assume I know what it is!
Mon raking with Book Club. I really do love those girls. They're all so much fun in thier own way. Crazy girls! Izzy is mean, but in a friend way. Elle is quiet and kinda a sidekick girl. Amy is really smart! She comes up with the greatest observations! Carolyn is...loud. haha. She's just plain old weird. No other way to put it. Mariah reminds me of Bec kinda, not loud or quiet really. Smart in her own way but you need to explain stuff to her...and you cant get her to put down a book she likes! Then the 6th graders. Kerissa is smart too and has a great sense of humor..and she loves llamas. Cant beat that! Maddi is a little preppier than the rest but shes a great balance for the rest of them. Christina is quiet and the most sensible out of all of the girls. Shes a clear headed thinker, not like anyone else!! And the other 6th grader *mumbles* whosenameIdon'tknowcuzshesnew *end mumble* is too quiet and shy for me to write anything about her yer.
2 weeks and I test for my black belt. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Run away!
Going to Kendra's unSnowball party. Whoo-hoo! I'm excited. I never see her anymore.
hm. That's it for now I guess. Bye.