Title: Tomorrow (Epilouge)
Author: jessie62990
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: PG for language (the overall fic is NC-17)
Length: 379 words
Summery: Sequel to In Another Life: Jim tells Spock about the dreams. Reading In Another Life is advisable.
Warnings: None for this Chapter
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing! The characters and Trek universe belong to Paramount. I'm just borrowing them for my own twisted amusement. I make no money from this, please don't sue me.
Part 1;
Part 2;
Part 4;
Part 5 Leonard McCoy leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on his desk. It was the ass end of gamma shift and he was sitting in his office waiting to get off duty and go to bed when his PADD beeped. He picked up the offending technology and saw that the incoming message was from, Jim. He smiled to himself knowing beyond the shadow of a doubt what it was regarding; his nurses had the best gossip after all and gossip regarding that day’s bizarre bridge incident had spread faster than normal throughout the ship. He looked at the message alert for moment contemplating whether or not he would desperately want to unsee the contents after opening it. He reasoned that although Kirk was a notorious slut, he didn’t gossip about the details of his escapades (his partners did plenty of that by themselves). He shrugged and hit the ‘open message’ button to reveal 3 words that Kirk had already said to earlier in the day.
“You’re a genius” was all it said. McCoy chuckled and shook his head. If only Jim knew just how deeply involved he was in the whole affair. Spock had beat Kirk to McCoy’s office by 2 days with the same problem Jim had. He had come to seek McCoy’s blessing and help in pursuing Jim in a subtle manner. In other words, Spock wanted McCoy to get Jim to make the first move because of something about ‘propriety between officers in a chain of command’ or some other bullshit excuse. McCoy had a hunch that it had more to do with Spock just being uncomfortable about facing his feelings initiating a romantic relationship.
He had asked Spock what his hobbies included to try and find something Spock and Jim had in common. It hadn’t taken long for chess to come up, and when it did McCoy knew he had found the catalyst that could spark a relationship between them.
McCoy looked at the chronometer at the bottom corner of the PADD’s screen. It read 00:01, one minute past the end of his shift. He tossed it onto his desk, stood up and made way to his quarters. It had been a long day and he was more than ready for bed.