Welcome to Tree Hill Role Play. This is a community for all of those who would love to role play as One Tree Hill Characters.
If you would like to join please comment and ask for a character, if the character is already taken you will be added to a waiting list.
This role play starts a day before graduation, so all wedding aftermaths have been taken care of and everybody is alive, except for Cooper. Any three ladies can be pregnant, but if somebody gets to it before you, do not exceed the limit.
The only taken characters are Haley James-Scott and Peyton Sawyer.
1. You must follow these rules.
2. You must update your journal at least once a week. Which means, if you do not post after one week, that Monday you will be removed from the list and you will be replaced by a user from the waiting list for your character.
3. Do not make a journal until you have been added to the list.
4. Follow the storyline, if somebody posts something about your character, you must follow that. - No god-moving.
5. Try and stick to the basis of the show.
6. We will try and get a live role play going soon.
7. Make your journal friends only and add all the characters that are a apart of this role play so only we can read it.
8. Decorate your journal according to how your character would.
9. Please advertise this community as much as you can!
10. Last but not least HAVE FUN!