Christmas was wonderful, I hope that it was the same for all of you. I have been catching up on sleep recently and doing some little bits of hand sewing, a quiet bout of soothing undemanding creativity. One happy result of these activities is that some of the scrunched up parts of my brain have unravelled again and I find myself ready to revise one of my NaNoWriMo novels. This year's? No. Not even last year's. I am finally ready to have a good look at my 2007 novel, Worldbuilders.
I'm not rushing the process (my muse is feeling pretty relaxed at the moment as well). On Christmas Eve I searched some writing blogs for articles to reinforce my revision mindset. On Christmas Day I read a couple of them. Yesterday I thought about the whole process a bit.
Today I will look through my manuscript and start making some notes.
If you are also revising, you might find some of these links interesting:
Mapping out the action & story arcs and tightening or fixing up the plot: (what made me look: "conflict in a story is about surviving. If, in a scene, the conflict you introduce doesn’t impact the survival of the character, even in a minor way, then maybe it doesn’t have the stakes that make it a meaningful conflict in terms of the story") (go to the revision tip further down) Revision checklists: Character: I'm really looking forward to this.